March 2023 : A comparative analysis workshop

March 1, 2023

The goal of this call is to mobilize and involve economists to brainstorm and work on the following research questions. Can we compare the structure and performance of wine regulations and appellations in different EU countries (FR, ES, IT, PT, …) to better understand the functioning and efficiency of their different models? How were these different systems created? What was (and is) the industrial organization of the wine industry behind them and how is it evolving thanks to the current appellation system? What is the relationship between the individual brands and the collective one that represents the PDO? Can we compare different appellation and regulation systems? Which indicators can be used to measure their performance? How should be the different systems be analyzed? These are some of the questions that could be investigated.

The workshop is scheduled for March 20-21, 2023 in Zaragoza and will be organized under the umbrella of the VINCI Project (Interreg-Sudoe) with the collaboration of the EuAWE and the Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón (Universidad de Zaragoza-CITA).

If you are interested to participate, please send an email to Vicente Pinilla :

Workshop programme

Download the call for paper

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